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Google IO 2023 summary


  Google mentioned AI so many times at I/O, it’s like they were trying to cast a spell on us. But I’m not falling for it! I know the AI hype will die down in a few years, and Google is just trying to cash in while they can.

But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t anything interesting at I/O. Here are the three things that got me excited:

  • WebGPU is going to make it so much easier to use 3D graphics and machine learning in web browsers. This means we’ll be able to play more demanding games and use more powerful AI tools right from our web browsers.
  • WebAssembly is going to make mobile apps faster and more efficient. This is a huge win for both developers and users.
  • Google Tailwind is an AI notebook that makes it easy to manage and train models. This is a powerful tool for data scientists and machine learning engineers.

So while I’m not buying into the AI hype, I am excited about the potential of these new technologies. I can’t wait to see what developers and users do with them in the years to come.

Dileep Kushwaha Dileep Kushwaha's μ-blog.