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Pentas Lanceolata!


Pentas lanceolata, also known as the Egyptian star cluster, is a species of flowering plant that is native to much of Africa. One interesting fact about this plant is that it is a favorite of butterflies, especially the monarch butterfly.

The flowers of Pentas lanceolata are rich in nectar, which makes them a popular feeding spot for butterflies. In fact, research has shown that this plant is one of the top ten nectar sources for monarch butterflies in Florida.

Another interesting fact about Pentas lanceolata is that it is often used as a medicinal plant in traditional African medicine. The plant is said to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and is used to treat a variety of ailments including headache, fever, and stomach ache.

In addition to its ornamental and medicinal uses, Pentas lanceolata is also used as a natural dye. The flowers can be boiled to produce a red or purple dye, which is used to color textiles and other materials.

Photo by Liz Pullan Pattathy on Unsplash

Dileep Kushwaha Dileep Kushwaha's μ-blog.