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Ivy Flower


Family Araliaceae
Genus Hedera
Species H. helix
  • The flowers has a sweet, honeylike scent and are used to make honeysuckle oil.
  • The ivy plant has a great many species, but the most common is the English ivy.
  • It can also be used to symbolize the eternal life of Christ, which is why it is also a symbol of Easter.
  • Its meaning was borrowed from the Latin word hibiscus, which in turn was derived from the Greek word hibiskos.
  • The ivy is a very popular plant in the US and Europe, and has been a part of gardens for centuries.
  • The meaning of the ivy tattoo can vary depending on the design, but it is generally seen as a symbol of strength, loyalty, and friendship.

Photo by Liz Pullan on Unsplash

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